Thu-Trang Tran’s reflections: ‘A Systems Perspective of Volunteering’

Thu-Trang Tran shares research, thoughts and findings in ‘A Systems Perspective of Volunteering’ with Engage Journal.

The article starts with: ‘Volunteering is a victim of its own success.’ This pithy statement speaks volumes about the unintended consequences and underlying structural forces at play when it comes to volunteering. 

Volunteer West has seen the effects of underfunding in the sector, with volunteering undervalued as an organisational strategic priority.

Thu-Trang reflects in this article on the increasing volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity that is reverberating today in volunteering and requests further deliberation on three issues:

  1. Is volunteering propping up community building as governments defund community services in fiscally tight times?

  2. Volunteering is gendered, but what are these gendered dynamics and their pragmatic implications?

  3. While skilled and corporate volunteering are welcomed 'resources' for the community sector, are they band aids for chronic under-investment in community infrastructure? 

A reimagining of volunteering must be done to improve policy, and encourage the pursuit of an inclusive volunteering movement.

Thank you to Jack Fawcett for your research support on this article.


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