How you can help Volunteer West support the needs of Melbourne’s west

Volunteer West CEO Thu-Trang Tran and her reason for volunteering

Volunteer West CEO Thu-Trang Tran and her reason for volunteering

[Update June 16: The consultation has shifted to Thursday August 26 due to current restrictions in Melbourne]

As Volunteer West continues to represent the needs of Melbourne’s west, we are seeking thoughts and ideas from various perspectives to take to decision-makers on a state level.

The next steps for Volunteer West involve co-leading a campaign to ensure that Volunteer Resource Centres can continue to provide community-wide services. This area has been cut from the Commonwealth’s funding criteria and requires support from a state government level.

Through her appointed role on the Victorian Volunteer Strategy Taskforce, Volunteer West CEO Thu-Trang Tran is positioned to give a platform to thoughts and ideas generated within the community.

So we can best serve the communities of Melbourne’s west, we are asking for ideas and suggestions we can take to Parliamentary Secretary for Carers and Volunteers Anthony Carbines MP and the Minister for Child Protection, Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers Hon. Luke Donnellan.

We also welcome any general ideas and feedback we can help amplify in our role as part of the Victorian Volunteer Strategy Taskforce.

We will then take your thoughts to the Victorian government’s community consultancy for the metropolitan region, taking place Thursday August 26 (originally planned for Thursday July 22).

You can also register to attend the session yourself by completing the registration form here.

To let us know about any ideas or suggestions you might have, email us here before Tuesday August 26.


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