Danila Durante – West Welcome Wagon

Danila from West Welcome Wagon.jpg

Wished someone was there for you when you experienced hardship? 

Danila Durante knows that any assistance makes a big difference to a family in need of help. That’s why she feels connected to volunteer at West Welcome Wagon who provide material aid and assistance to asylum seekers in Melbourne’s west. 

For 6 years Danila has dedicated time, experience and skills to help people in her own neighbourhood, particularly refugees and asylum seekers. 

West Welcome Wagon is run by volunteers (with the exception of one employee), with all volunteers bringing a breadth of knowledge and skills to each role.  

We asked Danila what she brings to her volunteering role, and what it means to her... 

What drew you to West Welcome Wagon? 

The organisation's values are aligned with my own, alleviating hardship and building community while being directly informed by our clients. There's a good mix of a practical can-do attitude as well compassion for our amazing clients, that's very important to me. 
There's quite a bit of flexibility and it allows me to meet the other commitments in my life. 

Describe a typical day in your volunteer role: 

I don't have a typical day, I contribute between 1 and 10 hours per week depending on what's required and when I'm available. 
I coordinate the English tutoring in the English & Community Connection program. I match volunteer to clients who want to improve their English but can't join classes in the community. I support our volunteer tutors to make their weekly lesson both informative and enjoyable. I am in contact with other community organisations who assist our clients. 
I also deliver food, bikes and other items, assist in our Reach Out days by distributing clothing, and I direct clients to other services and programs. 

What do you enjoy about volunteering and why is volunteering important to you? 

I've met many amazingly resilient and resourceful people who want to be accepted and fully belong in this country. I love contributing to making that happen in whatever way I can. There's also the bonus of meeting like-minded volunteers and working shoulder to shoulder with them on a common goal. I feel energised and motivated when I volunteer. 

What is your most memorable experience volunteering? 

There are many but the most memorable was seeing my student confidently advocate for her children at their school. It made me very proud of our organisation’s work, and the English & Community Connection program. 

Have you had to adapt your volunteering role during lockdown or when social distancing? 

When restrictions prevented our tutors from visiting their student in their home, we quickly learnt how to use Zoom and switched to providing our tutoring online. We recognised this as a crisis for our already socially isolated students and aimed to maintain a sense of routine. We were fortunate to receive a grant from the Hobsons Bay Community Fund to purchase technology (Samsung tablets) for students to stay connected with their tutor. We utilised the resources and expertise of our program partners, the Williamstown Community Education Centre, to support our program.  

What skills have you been able to develop or learn whilst volunteering at West Welcome Wagon? 

The people our organisation assists have taught me how important family and connection is for us to thrive, and they've taught me how to be resourceful and not give up hope in the face of difficulties and injustices. I've learnt how to use various technology platforms I wasn't previously aware of, and how to support an amazingly passionate team of volunteer tutors. My knowledge of and appreciation of other cultures has naturally increased, but I've also come to understand some aspects of my own culture that I'd taken for granted. 

What is your top tip for someone thinking about volunteering? 

Find an organisation or group whose activity interests you and then see if and how it can be incorporated into your existing lifestyle. 

Want to get involved with West Welcome Wagon? Visit West Welcome Wagon.

Vollies of the West

Volunteered recently? Have an experience you'd like to share with us? Tell us your story! Vollies of the West celebrates the many individuals who volunteer their time in Melbourne’s west to make a difference in our community!  

Share your volunteer journey with us or be inspired by these stories to kick start your volunteer experience! 


Mum’s the word: The benefits of volunteering together as a family


Maelor Himbury - Friends of the Maribyrnong Valley