Jessica Gerger - Friends of Kororoit Creek

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When Jessica Gerger ran out of room for planting on her own garden, she approached her local council Brimbank City Council to see if she could do some planting in a grassy spot near Kororoit Creek.


“They suggested I get in touch with the Friends of Kororoit Creek or FOKC. I dithered about for a bit but eventually connected with the FOKC when I got involved in a program tackling litter in the area with a friend. The FOKC welcomed us in with all our ideas and enthusiasm. After a few months it was suggested that some of us new young members put our hands up for office bearer roles. I thought I'd give it a crack and have now been president for four years and I'm loving it!” quips an enthusiastic Jessica.

The FOKC is made up entirely of volunteers with a mission to improve the health of the Kororoit Creek and its surrounds in the Brimbank area.

Volunteers are vital to FOKC’s existence and come in a variety of roles. Office bearers and leaders spend many hours a week working on the creek and doing administration, attending meetings and speaking in schools. Others remain active with the various activities and events organised by the FOKC.

“Our volunteers range from individuals to groups such as AMES, Dept of Corrections, local scout and church groups, schools and corporations. We are very fortunate to have great support from Melbourne Water, Brimbank City Council and The Sunshine Business Association,” explains Jessica.

Jessica adds, “We are a welcoming group who love meeting new people. Members will be part of the decision-making process, bring their ideas and knowledge to the table, take part in planning and lots of plantings. We work with a lot of local schools, and we also do many art and educational projects around Brimbank. There is always something new and exciting happening and much to learn. Being on the creek itself is a joy and great for the mind and body!”

Despite strict social distancing in place, FOKC remains active with small scale, physically distanced and safe planting and weeding sessions.

“We love to have people come help us and we make sure everyone has their own space to work in and brings their own gloves. We've actually managed to get a lot of work done during this lockdown period because there have been no distractions!” says Jessica.

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