CEO Reflections | New Beginnings

Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash.

Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash.

I am delighted to announce our VolConnect – Volunteer-to-Job Program, enabled by $1M funding from the Victorian Government’s Working for Victoria initiative.  

This is significant. We are excited by the opportunity to support the people and communities Melbourne’s western region.  

Due to the pandemic’s impact on the economy, and the health and well-being of individuals and communities, Volunteer West has seen an increase in demand for volunteering-to-job support services, which in turn increases pressure on community and volunteer organisations to meet the demand.  

Continuing the same ethos of 2020 that serves us well in an uncertain world, we are taking a punt - informed one - to do things differently

We believe in people. We believe that people are capable of changing their lives, but no one can do it alone.  

Volunteering is an act of community and economic participation that shapes social cohesion.  

We are reframing our volunteer support services to cater to the needs of the hour and bring volunteering closer to people’s front door. Our commitment is to connect people via interesting and meaningful community projects and services where they can find and build their own supportive networks and strengths to flourish, and go on to find employment.  

Watch this space.

We will share our successes and challenges with you on this journey. 

View our full media release here.

We are also hiring for our VolConnect Program. Simply create a Sidekicker account to apply for the available roles.


Volunteer West Board Member Vacancy


CEO Reflections | Reimagining Volunteering for 2021 and Beyond